Hedwich Rooks

born 1995 in Grou (NL), currently based in Rotterdam (NL)

As a contemporary alchemist, Hedwich's artistic practice is primarily research-based, varying from lens-based media to sculptural installations, drawing from biogeochemical phenomena and their processes. Conceptually, she explores what the collision of matter can teach us about alternative and constantly transforming societies.

2020 — 2022Ecology Futures (MA) / MIVC St. Joost / ’s-Hertogenbosch
2016 — 2020 Fine Art (BA) / Art Academy Minerva / Groningen
                                        Nagoya Zokei University / Japan (exchange program 2018)
2014 — 2016 Design & Communication (BA Propedeuse) / Specialization: Illustration
                                        Art Academy Minerva / Groningen

2025  Prospects / Mondriaan Fonds / Ahoy / Art Rotterdam / NL

selected exhibitions
2024  Oozing, Spilling, Leaking / Bioart Society / SOLU Space / Helsinki / FI
2024  Outer/Body / FIBER Festival / Door Open Space / Amsterdam / NL
2024  Motus Sonus / United-C / Eindhoven / NL
2023  Hypernatural Forces / NEW NOW Festival / Essen / DE
2023  Purple Pill / Tresor.West / Dortmund / DE
2023  Through Bone and Marrow / BRUTUS / Rotterdam / NL
2023  The New Current / Rotterdam Art Week / NL
2021  Solaris / Acid Salt / murmur (Noord) Amsterdam / NL
2021  Matter of Tide at RE_NATURE Festival / ’s-Hertogenbosch / NL
2021  Prospective Sludge at Pitcairn Museum of Contemporary Art / Groningen / NL
2020GUP New Talent 2021 / GUP Magazine / Kahmann Gallery Amsterdam / NL
2020Misplaced / Oped Space Tokyo / JP
2020Buiten Westen #2 / Kunstvereniging Diepenheim / NL
2019 Subba Expo / Subbacultcha / De School / Amsterdam / NL
2019 Osmosis Omission at Do Not Touch / Maydays / Groningen / NL
2018 Acid Salt / SEXYLAND / Amsterdam / NL
2018 Sea Ovum at NZU Exhibition / YADA Gallery / Nagoya / JP

2024  Interview 'Hypernatural alchemy: Hedwich Rooks makes “elixirs of slow activism”
                     out of matter' / FIBER via Medium
2023  Article 'Exploring blood, salt and iron as biomaterials with Hedwich Rooks' /
                     Next Nature Network
2022  4 GRAMS OF IRON thesis fragments / DAISYWORLD Magazine #5
2021  Interview 'Speaking to the many senses, creative collective Acid Salt
                   challenges how we engage with art' / It’s Nice That
2021  Interview 'Hedwich Rooks: A Polymorphic Art Practice' / Agora Digital Art
2020Featured in Eindexamenspecial Metropolis M
2018 Article '4AM Forever' / Subbacultcha magazine

CV + portfolio(s) on request

All photographs on this website are taken by the artist, unless otherwise mentioned below the image  -all rights reserved ©. Design by Hedwich Rooks, development by Jan Johan Draaistra (2022).

born 1995 in Grou (NL), currently based in Rotterdam (NL)

As a contemporary alchemist, Hedwich's artistic practice is primarily research-based, varying from lens-based media to sculptural installations, drawing from biogeochemical phenomena and their processes. Conceptually, she explores what the collision of matter can teach us about alternative and constantly transforming societies.

2020 — 2022Ecology Futures (MA) / MIVC St. Joost / ’s-Hertogenbosch
2016 — 2020 Fine Art (BA) / Art Academy Minerva / Groningen
Nagoya Zokei University / Japan (exchange program 2018)
2014 — 2016 Design & Communication (BA Propedeuse) / Specialization: Illustration
Art Academy Minerva / Groningen

2024   Oozing, Spilling, Leaking / Bioart Society / SOLU Space / Helsinki / FI
2025   Prospects / Mondriaan Fonds / Ahoy / Art Rotterdam / NL

selected exhibitions
2024   Outer/Body / FIBER Festival / Door Open Space / Amsterdam / NL
2024   Motus Sonus / United-C / Eindhoven / NL
2023   Hypernatural Forces / NEW NOW Festival / Essen / DE
2023   Purple Pill / Tresor.West / Dortmund / DE
2023   Through Bone and Marrow / BRUTUS / Rotterdam / NL
2023   The New Current / Rotterdam Art Week / NL
2021   Solaris / Acid Salt / murmur (Noord) Amsterdam / NL
2021   Matter of Tide at RE_NATURE Festival / ’s-Hertogenbosch / NL
2021   Prospective Sludge at Pitcairn Museum of Contemporary Art / Groningen / NL
2020   GUP New Talent 2021 / GUP Magazine / Kahmann Gallery Amsterdam / NL
2020   Misplaced / Oped Space Tokyo / JP
2020   Buiten Westen #2 / Kunstvereniging Diepenheim / NL
2019   Subba Expo / Subbacultcha / De School / Amsterdam / NL
2019   Osmosis Omission at Do Not Touch / Maydays / Groningen / NL
2018   Acid Salt / SEXYLAND / Amsterdam / NL
2018   Sea Ovum at NZU Exhibition / YADA Gallery / Nagoya / JP

2024   Interview 'Hypernatural alchemy: Hedwich Rooks makes “elixirs of slow activism”
out of matter' / FIBER via Medium
2023   Article 'Exploring blood, salt and iron as biomaterials with Hedwich Rooks' /
Next Nature Network
2022   4 GRAMS OF IRON thesis fragments / DAISYWORLD Magazine #5
2021   Interview 'Speaking to the many senses, creative collective Acid Salt
challenges how we engage with art' / It’s Nice That
2021   Interview 'Hedwich Rooks: A Polymorphic Art Practice' / Agora Digital Art
2020   Featured in Eindexamenspecial Metropolis M
2018   Article '4AM Forever' / Subbacultcha magazine

CV + portfolio(s) on request

All photographs on this website are taken by the artist, unless otherwise mentioned below the image  -all rights reserved ©. Design by Hedwich Rooks, development by Jan Johan Draaistra (2022).